The list of names below comes from the School photo above. Several of us collaborated on this mark-up a few years ago and we've made corrections in 2014. This is supplemented by our memories of who was not present on the day.
Not found on the photo, and not known to be absent on the day (unless you know otherwise) are: Steve Blight, SR (Percy) Curtis, Dilworth(?), Steve Elvey, Mick Pitt, Ian Silver, Steve Underwood, Colin Woods. Damian Lawrence was absent, Chris Wood and the Lloyd brothers joined in the 6th form.
In the list below "connected" means your email address is already known to the group. If it is your business email please consider swapping that for a personal one so we don't lose you in a business name change, or when you retire.
If you'd like to add in your class progression - 1J - 2A - 5TA - L6AF - please do. It'd be particularly good to get the First Forms right - our houses. Who did you regularly sit next to ?
Those who put "Hampton" on their LinkedIn page have been found. Now we need some other piece of info to help locate the rest on LinkedIn and elsewhere.
Useful facts about missing contacts include where they went after HGS - which University, Poly, College, armed service, government dept, bank, accountants, etc, did they head off to? Where have your paths crossed in between ? Were they brilliant at a sport or music ?
Sadly, some entries in the list are marked "deceased". We apologise if reading this list is the first time you hear of a friend's demise.
Photo Row No F2 Adelman D Dave probably 4LA joined us in 6th? Principal's pic here : J7 Ansell A Andrew 1H ex-Percy Road D10 Barnes I Ian K1 Baxter S Steve now a GP (source: Mike Forrest), LinkedIn shows Guildford G6 Bettinson M Mark 1P ??D1 Blight S Steve 1H have we labelled him as Andy Blyth at D1 ? ↓ ↓ ↓ D1 Blyth A Andy not our year 64-71, teaches at St Georges Weybridge E1 Bonfield RJ Richard connected H11 Burgess SJ Stephen 1P connected J2 Campbell IP Ian 1L connected N1 Campbell RN Robert 1P B4 Cant AJ Andrew 1H connected Newcastle Uni & Hosps H7 Chand K Kushrav C1 Claridge C Chris 1H connected A2 Clark S Steven 1P Pete Loosley suggestion G3 Clark J Jonathan connected G2 Clifford SJ Sherred 1P almost certainly on LinkedIn N9 Cobb M Mick possibly journalist, ex-Police Gazette M5 Collins RHG Ralph connected N8 Crane R Robert 1P J8 Cryer NP Nicholas 1H connected E10 Cumber AJ Alan 1J connected Curtis SR Steven "Percy" added by Dick Q, Cambridge Maths grad, Oxford post-grad F3 Davies P Paul almost certainly on LinkedIn C9 Deans N Deano 1P deceased D8 Dendy P Pat connected H1 Dennis G Geoff 1J 2LB 5TS L6S connected (as of April 2020) Dilworth suggested by Dick Q C2 Dorman D Derek 1P LinkedIn shows DD in HemelHstead C5 Edwards R Rod Roderick Edwards, Orthodontist, 75a Queens Gate, SW7 (retired) Elvey S Steve added by Dick Q, left after O-levels, Lincoln College (with Mike Forrest) K7 Evans M Martin 1P A3 Flint C Colin connected L5 Ford R Richard deceased B2 Forrest MR Michael 1L connected X Forrest S Steve this incorrect name appeared under Mike Forrest's face M7 Gallop D Dave 1P M3 Ghadiali E Eric has retired from Walton Hospital Merseyside Consultant Psychologist Dr Eric Ghadiali M4 Gibbs N Nigel connected G7 Goodhew SJ Stanley architect, PSt contacted via Facebook L2 Griffiths A Alan connected C3 Guess A Alan H8 Hamilton S Stewart 1P connected E5 Harper A Andrew 1P Chelsea College, Computing (says R Bonfield) K4 Hayhurst G Giles connected C4 Haynes P Peter F7 Hendley A Tony picture at Herbert S Steve not found on the photo, mentioned by Keith Holmes H4 Hesk R Richard could the one on LinkedIn be the son of D7 Hewett S Steve 1P not on email works in pub in Surbiton K5 Holmes KD Keith H connected (since April 2020) joined 2nd year A6 Hotchkiss P Peter deceased D5 Iles S Steve connected B8 Ingham P Peter K6 Ingoldby P Paul connected in Australia M6 Irwin K Keith 1P connected M1 Jemetta C Colin A10 Jones D Derek E8 Jones JDG Jonathan 1H connected J9 Jones PD Pete St Peters, Ox, possibly Media Lecturer at Richmond-u-Thames College A4 Judge P Paul 1P lots on LinkedIn none says hampton J3 Kamath K Subhash 1P deceased Jan 2014 G1 Knight SR Steve aka Toddler B9 Kristensen P Per 1P M8 Lambeth C Chaz 1P E6 Larkin(g) S Steven abs Lawrence D Damian lived Sunbury Cross K2 Lewis K Keith B6 Lister J Jon connected in Ottershaw, Surrey X Lloyd S Steve joined 6th form, ?Newcastle area, ?M&S X Lloyd J Jeremy joined 6th form, ?Newcastle area, ?M&S F4 Loosley PG Peter 1P connected A5 Lott D Derek 1L deceased J6 Lowe R Richard 1P Ballettdirektor/Choreograf, Landestheater Detmold DE retired K8 Macdonald R Don connected B3 Mansfield TL Tim 1P joined BBC accounts B1 Marden I Ian aka Mini, probably still in Hampton D6 Martin D David 1H connected L6 Mather A Tony 1P connected H5 McKenzie P Pete left after 5a F5 McLaughlin S Sheridan 1P [email protected] - listed as a trustee in manchester - tried 13/2/14 C7 Messum K Keith a KM in 2034 Trumbauer Rd Lansdale PA 19446-5036 looks like he's 60, on LinkedIn with wife Cheryl N6 Moore GR Rob pieface, lived Hounslow, left after 5TG, family called him Gerald K9 Morley E Erik Eastbourne, D9 Morrell IR Ian connected M9 Morris C Clive J4 Mumford R Robin 1P G9 Muschwitz Cv Cornel seen on google+, added to circle H9 Parker D David LB deceased D4 Parry G Graham Companies House shows a GP in Bath, born Oct 1953; AGP in New Malden born Apr 1953 E9 Parsons A Andy 1P connected L4 Perkins GL Graham 1H email BOUNCING - 168 named in UK - PGL asking Steve Perkins (brother) Last known in Aus Pitt M Mick Bedford area poss (not in L3 Plant R Ronnie connected M10 Pugh DS David 1P? connected J10 Quibell R Dick 1P connected H12 Read M Martin 1H connected B7 Roberts J Jeff G10 Rogerson P Pete 1P M2 Rush A Tony N2 Sanderson P Paul H3 Saunders K Kenneth 1P A7 Sealy H Howard aka Sammy H2 Shanks R Richard N3 Sharpe K Keith 1P N5 Simpson AD Alan Silver IW Ian living in Brentford G4 Sinclair C Colin 1P N4 Skinner P Paul Hampton Hill J1 Skinner C Clive deceased D3 Smith DGH David 1L connected C10 Smith P Paul E2 Steadman PG Peter 1P connected C6 Stewart C Colin organist, PSt emailed Patrick Henry College H6 Stratford L Les 1H connected G2 Strobes E F6 Thomas M Mark J5 Thornton R Russell D2 Tuckett D Dave 1P emailed Prof DT at UCL Underwood S Steve C8 Waight L Lawrie connected F1 Walker R Ross L7 Ward BJ Barry 1P connected K3 Warren J John E4 Whillis D David connected joined in 2nd/3rd year from Grimsby, at Hilton Church, Inverness Recently ordained. B5 Whippey M Mark LinkedIn has a MW in Twickers, but not on K10 White R Bob 1P connected E7 Wickenden T Terry E3 Wickes G Geoff connected G5 Withers SC Simon retired from Mundays Solicitors, Cobham X Wood C Chris joined L6AF from Halliford School, trained as BA/BOAC pilot L1 Woodfine P Paul joined 3rd/4th year, lived Trowlock Gdns, Broom Rd, - MsC LSE 76-78 Woods C Colin 1P G8 Woods S Simon X joined 3rd/4th year H10 Wright AN Andy 1H connected
132 names, 44 in email contact
SCHOOL RULES: Will the boy who has kept his copy of the School Rule Book please scan it in immediately and forward it to his Form Master (or to the keeper of this webpage.) The same goes for any other memorabilia that will fit onto a webpage. [email protected]